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    Crazy 7 Eating Habits For A Healthier Life

    Healthy eating is not about restricting certain foods because they are high in sugar, fat, and calories. Rather, it is all about maintaining a balance. Eating Habits The key here is to eat them once in a while, or more often but in moderation, and then balance this out by also consuming nutritious food products […] More

  • Healthy diet pregnency
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    Goals for Healthy Eating When Pregnant & Sample Daily Menu

    Goals for Healthy Eating During Pregnancy Almost all pregnant women need to get more protein, more certain vitamins and minerals, and more calories. If there’s room for improvement in your diet, eating highly nutritious meals is one of the best things you can do for your baby’s health.t may be hard to get the recommended […] More

  • Acai Berry Diet Weight Loss
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    Best Tips Acai Berry Diet Weight Loss

    The Acai Berry Diet, like other similar berries, has been found to have certain health benefits. “At least a dozen articles in the conventional medical literature talk about the valuable effects of the berry,” says Valencia Porter, MD, director of women’s health at the Chopra Center in Carlsbad, Calif. Weight Loss The acai berry contains […] More

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    Best Tips To Manage Emotional Eating & Eating To Feed A Feeling..

    Current research suggests that certain individual factors may increase one’s likelihood of using emotional eating as a coping strategy. The inadequate affect regulation theory posits that individuals engage in emotional eating because they believe overeating alleviates negative feelings. Eating in Stress Escape theory builds upon inadequate affect regulation theory by suggesting that people not only […] More

  • wt
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    Best Diet-Free Weight Loss Treatments

    Fast with great ease can be achieved by following fad diets. However, what is the use of such weight loss if you regain weight after discontinuing the diet. Since childhood, we have learned that slow and steady wins the race. Weight Loss Treatments Likewise, if you choose to lose weight slowly without following crash diets, […] More

  • brain food
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    6 Best Power Foods That May Help Save Your Memory

    We tend to view forgetfulness as a normal part of the aging process, but there are ways to slow down time’s effects on your mind. Power Foods for Memory The best menu for boosting memory and brain function encourages good blood flow to the brain much like what you’d eat to nourish and protect your […] More

  • Nutrition fitness
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    Best Tips For Nutrition and Fitness for the Whole Family

    You may associate Nutrition and Fitness with boredom and too much hard work. Although it’s hard work sometimes to stay fit, you don’t have to be bored. Being healthy and active is easy when you gather your loved ones and do it together. Nutrition and Fitness for the Whole Family There are hundreds of ideas […] More

  • balance
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    Best Balanced Nutrition For Fitness

    Balanced Nutrition For Health & Fitness A healthy balanced diet is not to ban or omit any foods or food groups but to balance what you eat by consuming a variety of foods in the right proportions. At a high level, the basic elements of a healthy diet include the right amount of protein, fat, […] More